About Us
What we do
We provide day/evening/weekend courses on a wide range of subjects to people in the Whanganui region and beyond.
Our vision
To be Aotearoa's leading community learning space through sharing interests, inspiration, creativity and knowledge.
Our Mission
Working in partnership to provide diverse learning opportunities for participants to acquire knowledge and skills to fulfill their aspirations and contribute to society.
New Courses
We welcome suggestions for new courses/workshops, and are always interested in working with new tutors to deliver exciting classes.
Please contact the manager on 345 4717, pop in to the office or email manager@communityeducation.nz
General information
Main Office: 24 Taupo Quay, Whanganui
Office Hours - 10:00am - 3:00pm Monday - Friday
Out of hours contact number is 06 345 4717
In 2013 we were proud winners of the Inaugural Provider of the Year, Tangata Tiriti, Award, from Adult and Community Education Aotearoa.
In 2014, Trustpower Energy Direct Whanganui District Community Awards 2014, we won the Education and Child/Youth Development Award